The World Cup in Qatar ended three days ago. The next one will be played in three and a half years in Canada, USA and Mexico and will be different from all the previous ones, and FIFA is planning another radical innovation.
The World Cup in Qatar was revolutionary. Because of the extreme heat in summer, we first saw the World Cup in late autumn.
And the next one will be like that, revolutionary. For the first time, the World Championship will be held in three countries, and 48 national teams will participate.
As if that wasn’t enough, FIFA is planning to introduce another radical change that will cause outrage among fans around the world.
Namely, the umbrella of world football plans to hold the World Cup every three years, after they failed to organize it every two years.
This change would completely disrupt the entire competition calendar, as a World Cup would have to be held in the same year as a European Championship or other continental representative competition.